Friday, December 16, 2011

Fall Semester Overview

So this semester really has flown by, and there has never been a dull moment.
Here are some of the highlights from the past 4 months!

I started out the semester with my ZTA sisters getting ready for the first football game

Tailgated with my best friend Kristen and her friend from home Sara

Roadtripped down to UNC-Chapel Hill...

And met lots of new friends

Went to some interesting a study break for orgo

Tried to stay at a UVA football game for more than 25 minutes

But tailgated instead..

Celebrated my best friend Kristen's 21st!

And took shots at midnight!

Got to hang out with my best friend and one of my favorite people in the world!

and see one of the best shows I have ever seen with her and my dad

Raised money for breast cancer research and awareness by selling pearls on the lawn

And bought a few myself....

Got to hang out with a friend that I have known practically since birth at a UVA football game!

Hung out with friends and their younger he pretends to be a prospective student

Celebrated a great Halloween as the different flavors of Burnetts

And got to party with my roomies for next year! 
(Here's to hoping we find a 4th!)

Trick or treated on the lawn with lots of adorable kids in costumes

And went apple picking/eating with some of my favorite sisters

In addition to all these things, I enjoyed a great Parent's Formal with my sister and my mom and celebrated a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family! 
Here's to a wonderful holiday break and a great spring semester!
Thanks to everyone for making my fall semester so special!

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